We want to empower women in their self-care and amplify their voices to demonstrate what is possible when one has a wellbeing literacy.

Everyday self-care is achievable.

Addressing the perception that self-care is unachievable for women, our project aims to challenge societal norms and empower women's voices. Through wellbeing education workshops and a podcast, we seek to shift stigma and promote proactive self-care, ultimately fostering a dramatic rise in wellbeing education and positive self-care application among Western Australian (WA) women.

Self-care is often seen as unachievable by women. We need to interrupt this rhetoric.

Our focus

SHE Speaks Podcast

By amplifying women's voices for wellbeing through podcasting we shift the negative rhetoric’s and provide clear pathways for women across generations and physical boundaries of WA.

SHE Speaks Workshops

Proactive wellbeing education workshops that translates the latest wellbeing science through a tangible and proactive self-care framework for WA women.


Providing opportunities for women to hear from other women to enhance empowerment of what is possible when self-care tools are put into place for flourishing.

Building a wellbeing literacy

Language, knowledge, and language skills of wellbeing make it possible to intentionally communicate wellbeing for self and others.

Want to know more.

Want to know more about the SHE Speaks podcast and SHE speaks workshops plus other opportunities, connect with us, we would love to hear from you.